1. What is Garage in Hill Climb Racing?
Garage is the newest feature that has been released at version 1.31.0. This is something fun you should definetlly mess with. In garage you can unlock five different type of vehicles which are; Jeep, Monster Truck, Rally Car, Race Car and Big Monster. As you can see below, these vehicles are very similar to the onse that are in game. But before we go further deep, let's see how we can unlock the garage.

2. How to collect/earn gems?
First of all you need to pay 300 gems. But how do you get them? You can get gems in three different ways. Collect them, which means you can find them exactly as you find coins on every stage. Watch the videos (this option is only available when you unlock the garage). For every video watched you will get 15 gems. The final way is buying them in a "Shop" for real money. Because I haven't mentioned yet, gems are blue and look like diamonds.

3. How to unlock the Garage?
You have 300 gems and you are ready to unlock the garage. What do you need to do? You need to go to "Vehicle" and swipe to your first ever car which is "Jeep". Now before Jeep you can see locked garage. Tap it and confirm the purchase. As you may noticed a little toolbox appeared on a upper right corner of the garage. Don't worry about it. I will explain what it is very soon.

4. How does Garage look from inside?
We are finally inside our own garage. The very first vehicle you see it's a "Blue Jeep". Tap it. Now on the right side you can see all the components you can unlock while collecting the gems. Also you can upgrade them (I will talk about it soon). On top of your vehicle you can see what can be upgraded. Tires, Engines and AWD (which I don't really know what AWD does yet). You can unlock 11 types of tires, 11 types of engines and for AWD I don't know yet but I will solve that soon.

5. What are toolboxes?
There are three different types of toolboxes you can get in a "Shop". No worries they are actually free to get exept you have to earn gems. So, the first toolbox name is "Lunchbox" and it costs 60 gems. Pretty cheap and you get 6 cards. 5 common parts and 1 random which could be better than common. Another one has name "Toolbox" and it costs 200 gems. For this you get 7 cards. 4 common parts, 1 random part, 1 rare part and 1 epic part. As you can see it looks more interesting than a "Lunchmox". And the final toolbox that costs 500 gems is "Container". Very similar to the previous box but here you can get 8 cards. 1 common part, 4 random parts, 1 rare part, 1 epic part and 1 legendary part (which is always very exciting to get).

6. What are the parts used for?
Now. How can you unlock all these parts? Do you remember that brown toolbox after unlocking the garage? When you tap it you will get 3 random parts. These cards are used to upgrade your parts. Once you get the specific component, it is already unlocked and you can view them in the garage. But before you go there, you can get free stuff that awaits you on every unlocked vehicle and stage. Don't worry you don't have to rush to collect all the toolboxes. They won't dissapear.

7. How to buy extra space or upgrade a part?
Now let's go back to the garage. All card starting from rare to legendary will appear on your screen if you have unlocked any. You can start upgrading your components. Soon I will make a list of prices for every part (but this might take a while). When you have enough cards you can unlock new vehicles. To buy a place in your garage you have to pay in coins which is cheap. To upgrade your parts you have to pay in coins too. Also you need enough cards to proceed the purchase.

8. What is the easiest way to earn gems?
In my opinion you can easily earn gems on Highway stage. When you reach 10.000 meters you should have between 125-150 gems. I prefer using Police Car but other vehicles are fine too.

9. Can you save your garage progress?
Make sure after unlocking a lot of parts you save your progress on a cloud save. Because if your phone crashes you won't be able to get coins and gems earned in game. You will have to collect them all over again.